Welcome to the Dayton Business Center
Accelerating Business Innovation

Business Owner Spotlight: John Lumpkin

Business Owner Spotlight: Sherrun Ellison

How immigrant entrepreneurs are revitalizing Dayton

Business Owner Spotlight: Juanita Darden

Dayton’s food banks rise to the COVID-19 challenge, coping with fluctuating supply and demand

Business Owner Spotlight: Keisonn Pate

How faith institutions continue to lift up Dayton’s entrepreneurs during the pandemic

Dayton’s service providers continue to help BIPOC- and women-owned businesses survive the pandemic

Business Owner Spotlight: Zontaye Richardson

VIDEO: Collaboration helps Dayton entrepreneurs build resilience and foster collective responsibility

VIDEO: The Bakery That's Owned by an Idea

VIDEO: Restaurants are key to downtown Dayton’s post-COVID recovery. What is needed to ensure their survival?

VIDEO: Restaurant grant data for Dayton reveals racial funding gaps

Business Owner Spotlight: Juanita Darden

Elevate Dayton part of MMCA and RJI partnership to build robust revenue stream for BIPOC media

LunarX Agency launching black-owned consulting ecosystem